Planning Sure is HARD!

Planning Our Year Long Trip

0 - Contents
This guide is created to help you plan your very own year long trip. It will offer you travel packing tips, travel planning hints and other such suggestions. Use it as an independent guide, or with other resources. We used SO many resources it would be hard to include them all, but when we found something that was outstanding we included it!

So you’re thinking of going on a one year trip – with kids? First of all – you are CRAZY.  Secondly - sounds like a great plan – go for it!  But what do you need to know before you head out? First off know that it’s not impossible. More than likely it is very well within your means. It will just take a lot of planning, saving and a TON your time.  This guide is designed to help inform you of everything you need to know to plan your trip.

Best of luck, and good planning – it may just be the most fun you’ve ever had.


0 - Contents
This is what you’re looking at: A breakdown of everything to come, and briefly what information you can expect to find there.

1 - Destinations

How we chose our destinations and what your first steps towards planning a year-long RV trip (with kids) should be. Obviously there are so many places you’d love to see – but you might be surprised what’s out there, beyond your realm of knowledge and things that would never think of!

2 – Budget

This is the BIG ONE.  Everything becomes reality here. You will explore your list of possible destinations and it will be culled down to something much more practical. Issues of money, how much will you need – and what you will need it for – are discussed in this section.

3 – Research
You need to a whole lot of research before you head out if you want to make the most of your journey. Where should you go? What should you do? And what should you look for? All these answers and more and explored and answered here.

4 - Traveling With Kids is Possible!
We could go on and on in this section, but this will give you a very good idea of what to expect, how much it will cost, education issues on the road, being prepared for (almost) everything and as many tips, tricks, issues and resources as we possibly can.

5 - RV – Purchasing and Renovating
All of the information you could possibly need to research, purchase, renovate and ship your RV to Europe or anywhere else you may want to go.

6 - The Important (and Some Not So Important) Travel Gear

So you think you’re all ready to hit the road? Have you made sure to get all the gear you need? All the gear you will ever need is detailed here, as well as some links to where you can get it. You may be surprised by just how little or how much you need.   That depends on how many of you there are!

7 - Medical Requirements & Travel Insurance

You and your family are the most important thing you’re taking with you on this adventure. Make sure you are up to date on all of the various diseases, viruses and other nasties that may be floating around outside all around you and your loved ones. Find a travel doctor, talk to them about risks, and get all your immunizations and medications needed. The importance of good travel insurance is also discussed in this part.

8 - Saying Goodbye & Staying in Touch

Just because your grand adventure is taking you in one direction, it doesn’t mean other peoples’ lives stop and wait for you to return (as much as you would like to think it does). There are a number of ways to say goodbye and a number of ways to keep in touch while you’re away. They are all discussed in this section.

9 - Have No Fear …

Everyone runs into the unexpected, but that shouldn’t ruin your adventure and why you shouldn’t feel bad if it should happen to you along the way.

Things you may Overlook – Our well researched “Travel Tips and Tricks”
People have been travelling for years, and each trip brings them new tips, and tricks that they’d not known about on previous journeys. Learn from past experience, and if you’ve got a good secret that might help your fellow travelers, why not post it here?

10 - Our International Move
All of the tips and information you could want or need related to moving your life from one country to another – practical information such as legal information, banking, work, housing and education.  A whole lot on decluttering and minimizing your stuff, packing, storage and shipping and even a little on settling in and culture shock.

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