Saturday, 7 April 2012

Mission Decluttering #1 - The Master Bedroom

My closet is full of clothes that I no longer wear.  Mind you I just had a baby 4 short months ago, but all those months of maternity clothes and before that at my job I wore scrubs so I have a stockpile of clothing, shoes and accessories that I never wear!

And since every morning we have two 5 year olds and a 4 month old sharing our bed watching cartoons and reading books there is also toys, books and assorted clothes that don’t belong to my husband or I.  Along with that there are tags, buttons, glasses, toiletries and various other things that don’t belong in one’s bedroom.
So I am following three simple rules for my clothes:
#1.  Do I like it?
#2.  Does it fit?
#3.  Does it need any work done to make it wearable?

Pretty simple I think.  Will it work?  No idea, but I’m gonna try!
And then there are three simple rules for everything else:
#1.  Does it serve a purpose in my bedroom?
#2.  Does it belong somewhere else?
#3.  Will I use it?

That’s it.  If I start thinking about things too much I can probably find a reason to keep it or put it somewhere else in the house.
Let’s see where this takes us!?!

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