For our closets I utilized a little method I picked up from
a friend of mine who is super organized and it’s how she does all her
organizing (and really how I should be doing all of mine). She uses the STOP method. S for Sort, T for
Toss, O for Organize and P for Put Away.
First stop, the linen closet.
1. Sort – so here I set my watch for 20 minutes and dove
right in – Keep, Donate/Sell, Put Away, and Garbage. Surprisingly, it only took me 20 minutes to
sort the entire 4 shelves of my closet, maybe that’s a lot I don’t know, but I
was impressed.
2. Toss – anything ripped, ragged or stained should either
be tossed or repurposed.
3. Organize - Once the space is clear, clean the entire closet;
walls, shelves, doors and floor. Refold
all sheets and towels and stack neatly and return to the shelves. I use quite a few plastic baskets in my
linen closet to sort out all of the other items – toiletries in one,
medications on a high shelf out of reach and I hate the plastic used to keep
toilet paper and tissue boxes together so I take everything out of those and
stack boxes or rolls neatly on a shelf.
4. Put away – anything not belonging back in the closet can be
put away in their proper homes around the house. The Sell/Donate boxes can be taken
to storage and then toss the trash.
The rest of our closets contain our seasonal items
so I like to do my seasonal sweeps.
There are 4 easy-to-follow steps here:
1. Take everything out of the closet. Then, wipe down the shelving, walls and floors, dust and vacuum.
2. Do a quick purge of anything you're going to donate; separate out anything that needs altering or dry cleaning.
3. Put everything back in the closet hanging and sorting by color with most-worn items in front.
4. Donate the remaining items; take alterations and cleaning to tailor and dry cleaner.
Since the closets only took me a grand
total of 3 hours I am happy to report that I got rid of the following:
1 bag of donations (7 jackets – 4 of
mine, 2 of my husbands, 8 pairs of shoes and boots – all mine!)
4 jackets (and 2 snowsuits) that have
been washed and put away for use by Lily at a (much) later date1 bag of extra hangers (metal ones returned to the drycleaner)
1 bag of garbage and recycling
Up next – Our Living Room & Office!
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